Consultant, designer and executive of project 3070

A modern overview of a digital organization

Consultant, designer and executive of project 1420

An attentive listener from the side of SSO

Consultant, designer and executive of electronic prescription national project

Protecting treatment rights of the insured and pensioners

Consultant, designer and executive of electronic file project

A new overview of a digital organization

Hospital information comprehensive system

Digital health for all

We welcome the future

Tamin Company

Rendering services in the areas of software, hardware, solution, back up services, and receiving distinguished rank, in producing software ordered by customers, from State Informatics Higher Council.

Insurance software system

Tamin Company, belonging to SSO, is active by focusing on insurance businesses and electronic health, since 1991. This company is responsible for supplying and providing over 8 groups of managerial, insurance, treatment and headquarter products, services and systems, therefore it has been the most important pillar of SSO in designing and rendering electronic and digital service in the past 30 years.       

Treatment hardware system

Tamin Company, belonging to SSO, has executed electronic prescription plan, as the most important project based on IT in treatment area, in line with some significant goals like making health electronic file, improving efficiency, justice, quality, cost effectiveness, in rendering services to those insured by SSO and omitting treatment booklets in the process of rendering treatment services.

Research and development of software platforms

Due to a strong need to use local knowledge and decrease risk resulting from relying to provided technologies provided by companies outside SSO, in year 2015, Tamin Company, by relaying to technical capabilities of its experts, began to compile and standardize software framework based on the latest technical methods. R&D department of Tamin Company, has founded the new generation of centered multi-system of SSO fully based on this local base.

Infrastructure management

With over three decades of great experience in fields of designing, implementing and maintenance of IT infrastructure of SSO, Tamin Company is one of the pioneer companies active in the field of state IT. Infrastructure coordination management of company is responsible for infrastructural supporting of all the services of SSO.






Number of personnel




This sensor monitors the performance of athletes in real time at the Paris Olympics

A new wearable and flexible sensor is set to provide real-time intelligent monitoring of athletes at the Paris Olympics. Also, this smart monitoring will include real-time feedback on their performance.
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SearchGPT Unveiled as AI-Powered OpenAI Search Engine

OpenAI unveiled its smart search engine on a trial basis. The platform is currently available on a limited basis and is scheduled to be added to ChatGPT in the near future.
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U.S. Begins Construction of Largest Quantum Park

The U.S. plans to build a quantum center in Chicago. The center will have a capacity of up to one million qubits and will be the largest quantum computing center in the country.
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Tamin Company calls for cooperation in different fields of IT, through scientific and specialty interviews, among reputable universities. The applicants may forward their resume, while filling out the attached form.

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