Information and communication security

Information and communication security management of Tamin Company began its activities, since Dec. 2019, as an independent management aiming at implementing information security management, decreasing security dangers, improving security culture, adjusting procedures related to FAVA security area, security testing and assessment of services, implementing security and defensive mechanisms, preventing cyber attacks and later, timely identification and taking right reaction, etc.

Some of the most important activities rendered by the information and communication security management are as follows:
-    Designing and implementing Tamin Company log comprehensive system (TCLS)
-    Designing and implementing local system for identifying attacks by applying identification rules based on security frameworks and standards
-    Designing and implementing threatening smart system of Tamin Company
-    Designing and implementing network traffic analysis system (TNTA)
-    Integrating all defensive systems and implementing system or registration, triage and dealing with security events
-    Compiling methodology for penetration testing in all layers, based on security standards and frameworks
-    Constant assessment of vulnerability of infrastructures for service area of Tamin Company
-    Providing and compiling security policies based on requirement of other technical units
-    Developing human resources of the unit by recruiting or maintaining expert individuals