
MIT scientists are building robots that can build themselves

MIT scientists are building robots that can build themselves

Sunday، 27 November 2022 - 14:01

Researchers at MIT are working on a project that allows robots to produce things larger than themselves or their counterparts.

Researchers devised a positioning system with higher accuracy than GPS

Researchers devised a positioning system with higher accuracy than GPS

Tuesday، 22 November 2022 - 10:09

Dutch scientists succeeded in developing a new positioning system that has higher GPS accuracy. As an alternative to GPS, this system can have a precision of 10 cm.

Mini-eye breeding in lab for the treatment of blindness

Mini-eye breeding in lab for the treatment of blindness

Sunday، 20 November 2022 - 09:54

Researchers plan to treat blindness by raising mini-eyes in the lab and using it in patients. Lab-grown eyes can help scientists treat blindness-related diseases

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