
Researchers devised a positioning system with higher accuracy than GPS

Researchers devised a positioning system with higher accuracy than GPS

Dutch scientists succeeded in developing a new positioning system that has higher GPS accuracy. As an alternative to GPS, this system can have a precision of 10 cm.


Dutch scientists succeeded in developing a new positioning system that has higher GPS accuracy. As an alternative to GPS, this system can have a precision of 10 cm.

 researchers succeeded in building a new positioning system that can provide high accuracy in urban environments. The prototype test of this system showed that it was able to reach 10 cm accuracy.

Researchers from Delft University and Amsterdam used mobile telecommunications to build this positioning system instead of satellites, which, in addition to higher accuracy, is more reliable than GPS. According to Geron Quelmidge, the telecommunications network is now able to replace the current system with innovations. It is possible to use it in a wide range of applications such as vehicles and mobile communication systems.

Weak signals sent from satellites can reduce GPS performance. On the other hand, the future of automated vehicles depends on positioning systems.

Gerard Jansen of Delft University says the new system has high bandwidth, which can sort satellite reflections and increase positioning accuracy.