
Amazon's new robot uses artificial intelligence to detect objects

Amazon's new robot uses artificial intelligence to detect objects

Amazon's new robot, Sparrow, is able to recognize products and select and disassemble them after detection. Amazon has unveiled a new robot called Sparrow, which is based on artificial intelligence, according to techna technology and technology news service.


Amazon's new robot, Sparrow, is able to recognize products and select and disassemble them after detection.

Amazon has unveiled a new robot called Sparrow, which is based onartificial intelligence. The robot is to be used in the company's warehouses. Sparrow is built to detect objects and isolate them.

Amazon has said about Sparrow that this robotic arm uses artificial intelligence and computer vision to detect and move objects. Thus, it is able to identify millions of items and be a substitute for repetitive human resources tasks.

Amazon has not yet announced how the robot will be used, but it can be used in different sectors depending on how it works. Amazon spokesman Xavier Van Chow says the robot is currently set to be used in stock collection.

The robot is in the research and development stage and it is used for testing in different sectors. It is said that this robot is not going to be used mainly in Amazon warehouses. In fact, Amazon plans to take a lot of action before using it and examine some factors.

Despite Amazon's attempts to use the robot in its warehouses, there have been reports that these places are unsafe for workers. Earlier, various documents reported the company's $8 billion annual loss for the withdrawal of troops.