Headquarter software system

Since establishment of Tamin Company, designing and producing all financial and administrative systems required by SSO and over thousand of affiliated units, have been carried out by experienced experts of headquarter software services department. The systems being produced and developed in headquarter software management of Tamin Company are among the most complicated and greatest systems being used at SSO that are mounted and in use in all treatment and insurance centers across the country.  
These systems include personnel system, secretariat, accounting and settlement, salary and wage, warehouse, assets and budget and establishments.  During the past 25 years, all such systems have been regularly developed and upgraded. Development of centered integrated services and distance services is one of the important goals of Tamin Company. In this direction, headquarter software services department of budget and establishments system, setoff centered service, system for finding surplus drugs and medical equipment, electronic payment system, system for inspecting legal books and portal of clients and system for payment of facilities to pensioners, in centered form and under web have been started up and provided to the beneficiaries according to their requirements.